
Observation of Contemporary Japanese Art by the State Hermitage

Virtual Art Exhibition – Theme:Flowers and Human Being-

November15, 2011 
From Narita to Russia

The party of 21 Japanese artists gathered at Narita Airport to participate in “Virtual Art Exhibition” sponsored by the State Hermitage Museum.

After brief remarks by Mr. Nobutoshi Akao, Senior Advisor of WAC, the party headed straight to Saint Petersburg.

Shortly after 10:00 pm on the same day, they arrived at the destination. At last, the art exchange programs with the Hermitage is about to start from tomorrow. 
(*stayed at CORINTHIA NEVSKY PALACE HOTEL located on the main street in the city.)

November16, 2011 
At the Hermitage Museum: Palace of Solemnity and Admiration

Japanese artists entering the Hermitage 

They were at a loss for words in front of the historical monuments and exhibition of great works. 

Welcome speech to Japanese artists was given by Dr. Vladimir Matveev, Deputy Director of the Hermitage Museum, and, afterwards, the group had a tour of the museum, appreciating the art works on exhibition,  under the guidance of curators appointed by the Deputy Director.

Warm welcome greetings
by Deputy Director, Dr. Matveev.

On the evening of the same day, a dinner party on the eve of the opening of “Virtual Art Exhibition” was held at banquet hall of the hotel where the party stayed.  
Mr. Tetsuji Matsuyama, Vice Consul of Consulate-General of Japan in Saint Petersburg and eight Russian guests attended the dinner party,including Dr. Vladimir Matveev, Deputy Director of the Hermitage, Dr. Boris Kravchunas, Director of Children’s Art and Design Studio of the museum, Mr. Lewin Victor Vitorovich, Chairman of Russia-Japan Friendship Association. 
At the dinner party, remarks were first made by Dr. Vladimir Matveev, Deputy Director of the Hermitage, followed by remaks by Mr. Nobutoshi Akao, Senior Advisor of WAC, congratulatory speech by Mr. Matsuyama, Vice Consul, and Mr. Lewin Victor Vitorovich, Chairman of Russia-Japan Friendship Association.  
And then, the key of Japan-Russia Art Friendship was handed from Mr. Akao to Dr. Matveev.  
After that, Dr. Matveev reciprocated by handing keys of friendship to Mr. Akao and all Japanese artists. 
At the same time, Japanese artists presented their art works, which will be housed in the Hermitage Museum, to Dr. Matveev. 
After a series of the opening programs in the above, the dinner started with a toast by Mr. Seiichi Koyama, Calligrapher.

Certificates of storage and souvenir 
were handed from Dr. Kravchunas to Mr. Ishikawa.

Key of Japan-Russia Art Friendship 
was handed from Mr. Akao to Dr. Matveev.

Lastly, certificates of storage and souvenirs were presented from Dr. Boris Kravchunas, Director of Children’s Art and Design Studio of the museum, to Mr. Fumitaka Ishikawa, Managing Director of Tokyo branch of WAC. And the banquet came to a close with closing remarks by Mr. Ishikawa.

 November 17, 2011 
“Virtual Art Exhibition”; the first trial in the Japanese art world began.

At 11:00am, the party of Japanese artists arrived at Staraya Derevnya (Collection Hall of the State Hermitage), which is the site of “Virtual Art Exhibition”.  
Staraya Derevnya was newly built as a modern collection/storage building at a location 30 minutes northwest of the Hermitage Museum, close to a crossing point of Large Neva River and Small Neva River.  
This contemporary building is equipped with strict security system, so that visitors are not allowed to move from one room to another without opening doors by placing an ID card on sensor.  
The building is open, as a principle, only to to those art and culture groups or schools, which apply for and are accepted in advance, and will not be open for sightseeing. 
The group of Japanese artists realized that it was a great honor to be invited to a place of such authority at this time.

At 2:00 pm, “Virtual Art Exhibition” started. 
First, congratulatory speeches were made by Mr. Ichiro Kawagoe, Consul-General of Japan in Saint Petersburg, as well as Ms. Krohrau Natalya Evgenievna, Curator of the Hermitage Museum, representing the museum’s School Center. After these congratulatory remarks, Dr. Boris Kravchunas, Director of Children’s Art and Design Studio of the museum, gave a lecture on education system for children at the museum. 
Then, Mr. Akao introduced history of activities of WAC and the background story about how this exhibition came to be realized. 
On the screen at his back, art works of 50 Japanese children were being shown. 
(*Curators of the Hermitage will make comments on these art works later and those comments will be forwarded to Japan.) 
Following approximately one hour’s opening, “Virtual Art Exhibition” started. Dr. Kravchunas madehis comments on each of art works by about 100 Japanese artists, and the Japanese artists attending the exhibition made observational comments on each of the art works by Russian children by turns. 
About one hour after the observation started, Russian children led by Dr.Matveev entered the room and the observation scene was heated up further, filled with children’s excitement.

6:00 pm on the same day 
Display of art works of Japanese and Russian Children and Friendship Art Session with Children

“Friendship Art Session with Children” started. While art works of Japanese and Russian children were being displayed on the screen, under the theme of “Flowers and Human Being”, children started to draw picture immediately, and it led to Japanese artists drawing together. 
As children’s enthusiastic drawing seemed to stimulate something in Japanese artists’ mind, the sponsor of the program must have felt the urge to extend time of the art session further.


Mr. Akao handed a letter of appreciation for exhibition and participation in the art session to each of the Russian children.
After that, Dr. Kravchunas presented certificate of display and participation to each Japanese artist. 
The whole event lasted for approximately 8 hours and ended with a great success.

Catherine Palace


MODERN HERMITAGE in Staraya Derevnya 
Kremlin in Moscow


15th-19th November 2011


The State Hermitage, Russia