
Chevalier of Art Wine Installation Ceremony / Chevalier of Art Wine Directory Publishing Party

Schedule: May 1, 2011
Location: Nihonbashi Public Hall
(Chevalier of Art Wine Installation Ceremony)
Royal Park Hotel,  Hakozaki
(Chevalier of Art Wine Directory Publishing Party))

Nihonbashi Public Hall 
Chevalier of Art Wine Installation Ceremony

On May 1, starting at 10:00am, Chevalier of Art Wine Installation Ceremony, which is jointly acknowledged by World Art and Culture Exchange (WAC) and SOTA Damasceno, was held at Nihobashi Public Hall, Tokyo. 

Around 100 Japanese artists and related people attended the 90 minutes ceremony.

At the installation ceremony, as a certificate of title of Chevalier, a badge with design of grape, pen and Blakiston’s fishowl feather was presented to each of the participants by Mr. Nobutoshi Akao, Senior Advisor of WAC. Mr Akao was former Director-General of the United Nations Bureau as well as former Japanese Ambassador to International Organizations in Vienna and  Geneva andAmbassador to Thailand,Then, Ms. Vera Casanova, who came from Portugal, made congratulatory address on behalf of  President of SOTA Damasceno.

Chevalier of Art Wine Directory Publishing WAC Party

At 1:00pm of the same day, Party in commemoration of publication of Chevalier of Art Wine Directory took place. 

At the outset, with ringing of peace bell, we offered silent prayers for the victims of the 2011 Eastern Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Disaster which devastated North-eastern Japan. This disaster, which caused serious damage, is unforgettable and still fresh in memory of the Japanese. WAC and its Japanese artists have once again made a strong determination to promote cultural activities for world peace.

At Royal Park Hotel in Hakozaki, Tokyo, where the party was held, Art Wine Label Collection Exhibition also took place in celebration of the publication of the Chevalier of Art Wine Directory. 

The wine art labels at the exhibition were creations by Japanese artists, including by those artists who were awarded with the title of Chevalier at the ceremony in the morning. There were 226 items on display, consisting of framed art wine.

labels and wine bottles with those labels. This exhibition was also an occasion for private viewingby the guests who were invited to the WAC gathering. Mr. Duarte Bué Alves, Counseler/Consul of Portugal Embassy in Japan, Mr. Masaaki Miyakage, Executive-Director of Japan- Portugal Association and Mr. Yukio Hattori, President of Hattori Nutrition School were among those invited to the party. 

An opening speech was made by Mr. Nobutoshi Akao, Senior Advisor of WAC, followed by Mr. Masaaki Miyakaage, Executive-Director of Japan- Portugal Association and Ms. Vera Casanova, Representative of President of SOTA Damasceno. 
They expressed their deep condolences and sympathy to the victims of the Tohoku earthquake and they also referred to  the Art Wine labels of Damasceno which wereprodeucedthrough cooperation between the Portugal winery and the Japanese artists. 
Mr. Yukio Hattori, who is famous for a trend spotter in the cuisine industry, was asked to propose a toast for peace. 
The party was served with Damasceno wine and everyone enjoyed. The party ended in 2 hours.

●Performance of ink-painting by Mr. Hansui Sakamoto, Education Advisor of WACPerformance by Japanese Artists

He painted new shoots growing from the ground, signifying his prayer for early recovery of the Tohoku region. He drew it in about 10 minutes and explained about his feelings for this creation. 
●Singing performance with Autoharp by Ms. Setsuko Uchida, smiling moji designer 
Establishing a new category for drawing smiling moji is her lifework. Today she performed her singing performance with automatic harp which is one of the roots for her smiling moji. Smiling moji is described to be like a music without sound and some aspects of her many talents wereexhibited. 
●Performance of poetry reading by poet Ms. Mieko Kasai 
She came all the way to attend this event from Aomori (located at the northern end of Tohoku region) which was hit by the earthquake and read her poems which describes the feelings of the victims. She valued the expression of words which thrive in  Aomori region and sometimes used indigenous speeches. Listeners were all moved and felt a sense of nostalgia from her poems.


World Art and Culture Exchange (WAC) 

Chevalier of Art Wine Installation

SOTA Damasceno (Winery), WAC Lisbon 


Embassy of Portugal in Japan, Japan – Portugal Association 


Embassy of Japan in Portugal 


May 1,2011 


Nihonbashi Public hall
(Chevalier of Art Wine Installation Ceremony)  
Royal Park Hotel, Hakozaki  
(Chevalier of Art Wine Directory Publishing Party)