
Art for Earth AID

The Opening of “Art for Earth AID” Exhibition: 25 March 2008

“Art for Earth AID” Exhibition was held in Asakusa, Tokyo.  
The main objective of this exhibition was “Social education” to create “peaceful future which children bear”.  
More than 500 pieces of art works were exhibited by those artists who endorsed the objective.
Upon the arrival of H.E.DATO’ MOHD RADZI ABD RAHAMAN, Ambassador of Malaysia in Tokyo, the dance show by the Malaysia traditional dance began and the opening ceremony started at 11:00 a.m.

Following the declaration of the opening by Mr. Joji Hagiwara, Honorary Advisor of WAC-Tokyo, Ambassador of Malaysia made congratulatory remarks, and the ribbon cutting ceremony took place. 
Then, the Ambassador walked around the hall to appreciate the exhibited works. He first stopped at the “International Art Exhibition for Children”; the “social education”, which constitutes an important portion of this exhibition. 
After that, the Ambassador watched the photograph exhibition called “Beautiful Malaysia” organized by the Ministry of Tourism of Malaysia, and finally the works of Japanese and Malaysian artists.

25 MARCH 2008

Members of WAC Japan and Malaysia, 
Media Representatives,Distinguished Guests, 
Ladies and Gentlemen

It gives me a great pleasure to say a few words on this occasion of the opening of Japan-Malaysia Arts and Photography Exhibition 2008, which is held as a part of this year’s “Visit Malaysia Year” promotion in Japan. 
I would like to congratulate the organizer and sponsors, especially The World Art and Culture Exchange Japan and Malaysia,Tourism Malaysia,Malaysian Red Crescent Association,Home Stay Association of Malaysia and all participants from Japan and Malaysia in successfully organizing the exhibition together. 
I strongly believe that this exhibition is a great platform to promote the work of arts between artists from Malaysia and Japan and thus enhancing the arts and photographs of beautiful scenery,culture and heritage of both countries. 
In addition, we can also enhance our tourism promotion by introducing Malaysia through arts and photographs as the saying goes, “picture paints a thousand words”, It will definitely help us to further introduce fascinating Malaysia to the Japanese through its arts and photography. 
Ladies and Gentlemen, 
The last couple of years saw Malaysia receiving a string of international reputation for being the best tourism destination. This bears testimony to the fact that more and more people are now discovering Malaysia as a top-of-mind destination. 
In comparison to the world tourist arrivals, Malaysia is the second Asian country with the highest arrivals after China and ranked 13th on the global chart for world tourism destination surpassing Hong Kong, Portugal,Netherlands, Thailand and other neighboring countries. 
Japan has been one of the biggest suppliers of tourists to Malaysia after China and the ASEAN countries, In 2007, more than 367,000 Japanese visited Malaysia. l hope that this number will continue to grow in many years to come.

With this opportunity, I would like to welcome all of you to our beautiful country and get to know its charming and friendly people. Malaysia has variety of attractions to offer to even the discerning Japan market, from white sandy beaches to tropical jungle of Borneo, from modern shopping facilities to exotic multi-cultural extravaganza,home-stay program to even sporting facilities, It is very obvious that Malaysia has ample products and attractions which are suitable to almost every market segments. 
Being a multiracial country, Malaysia also has diversity of arts and culture from three major races and multi ethnic groups which has yet to be explored by the Japanese. Each race or ethnic group has its own unique identity which is inherited from three major civilizations in Asia. 
Ladies and Gentlemen,

Before I conclude, l would like to wish this exhibition every success in meeting its objective.  
I am sure the Japanese art-lovers will find this exhibition interesting and educational.  
Let me once again thank the organizer and sponsors for making this exhibition an invigorating one.

I now take much pleasure to declare open the Japan-Malaysia Arts and Photography Exhibition 2008

The time is now. The place is Malaysia. Malaysia Welcomes the World.  
Thank you.”Do mo Arigato Gozaimashita”

“Child ‘FUREAI’ (Heart-to-heart) Program” : 29 March 2008

The joint workshop by children and artists at this exhibition was held at 11:00 a.m. Mr. HAJI SAHARIMAN HAMDAN, the representative of WAC-Malaysia, made an opening speech. 
He mentioned that WAC-Malaysia attached an importance to the Child FUREAI Program, which was a part of “social education”. He added that he was looking forward to working together with Japanese artists, and that there was the participation of 31 Malaysian artists and children, which was a proof of the success of the exhibition.

Then remarks were made by Mr. Naoki Arao, oil painter, which was followed by the self-introduction of the artists of both countries engaged in social education, and the joint work shop began. 
The theme of the workshop was “FRIENDSHIP.” The participants were divided into five groups, because many people participated. Before they began, each group discussed and picked up its own sub-theme such as “animal & friendship” &”flowers & friendship”. Each group completed a piece of work with specific features of the group. 
Even if a unified theme was given, you would never know what kind of work would be completed by each group, since a thought / idea of each human being would differ from each other. Despite such an anxiety and concern by on-lookers, each group completed a piece of work, which was surprisingly harmonious. It was felt that “the power of art” was demonstrated here again.

Fairwell Party of “Art for Earth AID”: 29 March 2008

It opened at 6:30 p.m. Japanese artists and Malaysia artists came in one after another, and took their seat.  
Malaysia Ambassador H.E.DATO MOHD RADZI ABD RAHAMAN and his wife arrived at around 7:00 p.m. Other VIPs such as Major General (Retired) DATO’ HAJI. MEGAT MOHD YUSOF from Malaysia Red Crescent Society and his wife, Mr. Nobutoshi Akao of ASEAN Japan Center, Director Tourism of Malaysia, etc. also arrived.

At the outset, Major General (Retired) DATO’ HAJI. MEGAT MOHD YUSOF from Malaysia Red Crescent Society made his opening remarks, describing the meaning and his impression of the event, followed by speech from Mr. Akao, the Secretary-General of ASEAN-Japan Centre, focusing on ASEAN-Japan relations. Then, the party started by the toast from Mr. Hansui Sakamoto, Education Advisor of WAC.

The participants enjoyed the dinner, chatting among themselves and taking photos with the ambassador and chairman of the board of the Red Crescent Society.  
Exchange between the Japanese and Malaysian participants was further promoted.

Half way through the feast, the ceremony to award “Special Envoy for World Peace”recognized by Malaysia Red Crescent Society and WAC took place.

The shield was handed to each winner by Major General (Retired) DATO’ HAJI. MEGAT YUSOF of Malaysia Red Crescent Society. It seems that the importance of having been engaged in the theme”social education”, the theme of this exhibition, was appreciated by the winners. 
At the end of the dinner which lasted for about 2 hours, closing remarks were made by Mr. Fumitaka Ishikawa, the manager of this event and Secretary General of WAC-Tokyo, expressing his gratitude to those present for their participation in the dinner as well as their cooperation.

Speech by DATO’ HAJI. MEGAT MOHD YUSOF of The Malaysian Red Crescent Society

The Malaysian Ambassador His Excellency DATO’MOHD RADZI ABD RAHAMAN and his wife, Mr. Nobutoshi Akao, representing the ASEAN-Japan Centre, Fumitaka Ishikawa representing the World Art and Culture Exchange, Japanese and Malaysian artists and all the guests , thank you for coming here today. 
It is an honor for me to be able to greet you today. The exhibition has been held for five days so far under the theme of friendship between Japan and Malaysia, and I think it fits the title Art for Earth AID, and is a wonderful event. 
From Malaysia, 75 pieces of work made by children and 50 pieces of work created by artists are on display. I am not an artist but I think that art becomes words that enable exchange between one community and another. 
This year marks the 65th anniversary of the founding of the Malaysian Red Crescent Society. Last week, along with 2,500 volunteers, activities were conducted for four days with the participation of 52 members of the Red Crescent Society from around the world. 
Our main activities include handling disasters, healthcare, and contributing to social progress, but from now on our aim is to conduct activities that are based on regions and are international.

The Malaysian Ambassador His Excellency DATO’,MOHD RADZI ABD RAHAMAN and his wife, Mr. Nobutoshi Akao representing the ASEAN-Japan Centre, Fumitaka Ishikawa representing the World Art and Culture Exchange Tokyo, Haji Sahariman Hamdan of the Malaysian Homestay Association, and SHAHRIR M. ALI of the Malaysia Tourism Promotion Board, thank you very much for coming today.

Speech by Mr. Nobutoshi Akao of ASEAN-Japan Centre

I would like to thank you for inviting me to this event today in the presence of Malaysian dignitaries, including the Malaysian Ambassador His Excellency DATO’ MOHD RADZI ABD RAHAMAN and his wife, and Director DATO’ HAJI. MEGAT MOHD YUSOF representing The Malaysian Red Crescent Society and his wife. I am Secretaty General of the ASEAN-Japan Centre and first of all I should explain why I am here today. 
It goes back a number of years now, but when I was Ambassador to Thailand, Mr. Fumitaka Ishikawa invited me to this kind of cultural event in Bangkok and it is thanks to that that I have been lucky enough to be invited here today. Furthermore, without doubt Malaysia holds an important position in ASEAN and in that sense I feel it is extremely significant for me to have been invited to attend today. Japan and ASEAN must continue to cooperate but I think that such cooperation is not just about the promotion of economic relations. 
When Mr. Kakuei Tanaka was Japan’s Prime Minister in 1970’s, Japan was called an ECONOMIC ANIMAL and Asia and other regions had a strong image of Japan as an economy-led country. When Prime Minister Tanaka visited Southeast Asia, there was strong anti-Japanese demonstrations. Prime Minister Fukuda, who succeeded Mr. Tanaka, recognized the importance of “heart to heart” understanding with ASEAN countries in his Manila speech of 1978. This is one of the three principles of Japan’s ASEAN policies, which was called Fukuda Doctrine, and which should still be applied today. 
That’s why ASEAN and Japan should have exchanges in various fields, including art and culture and not just economic ones. In this sense, I feel that this exchange between Japanese artists and Malaysian artists as well as children of the two countries is extremely significant. 


25th-30th March 2008


Industrial Trade Center, Tokyo